Saturday, January 11, 2020

The ACME Eagle Hand Soap Radio Hour (155)

Thank you for joining us today.

Before our feature presentation, ACME would like to start the evening with another Bugs Bunny Merrie Melodies cartoon, the 1949 Hare Do directed by Friz Freleng.

Look for it: A billboard is visible in the background with the message "Try Friz - the wonder soap - at every grocery!".

January 11, 1940 -
If you're like to most of us, you're probably taking down your holiday decorations today, (unlike my sister, who leaves her tree up the entire year - don't ask.) The ACME Eagle Hand Soap Radio Hour programming department wants to help you along with your task at hand. On this date, Columbia Pictures released the fast paced Howard Hawks' comedy His Girl Friday. We figured, why not watch the flick and take the tree down. So, as well always encourage you,  sit back and relax (quick, find the most comfortable seat on the sofa,) get a snack (perhaps, some potato chips,) and a beverage and join The ACME Eagle Hand Soap Radio Hour in watching His Girl Friday.

The film finished shooting seven days behind schedule. The delays were caused by the complexity of shooting the rapid-fire dialogue, which had to be carefully timed with business and movement. The restaurant scene in which Burns takes Hildy and Bruce to lunch took four days to shoot. The original schedule had only allotted two days for the scene.

Demand Euphoria!

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