Saturday, May 4, 2024

ACME Eagle Hand Soap Radio Hour Today (379)

Thank you for joining us today

Before our feature presentation, ACME would like to start the evening with another Daffy Duck Merrie Melodies cartoon, the 1962 Quackodile Tears, directed by Arthur Davis.

Daffy has been depicted as married in a few cartoons, but his wife is a different rendition in each.

Before the start of our feature presentation, the staff of The ACME Eagle Hand Soap Radio Hour found a funny video on youtube - The ABC of Hand Tools

Just in case you need a tutorial

We've picked another entry from the excellent reference book, 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die by Steven Jay Schneider. Today's film is the 1968 Sci-Fi classic, Planet of the Apes, directed by Franklin J. Schaffner and starring Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans, James Whitmore, James Daly, and Val Avery, and Linda Harrison. All the ape actors and extras were required to wear their masks even during breaks and in between shots because it took so much time to make them up. Because of this, meals were liquified and drunk through straws. So please join us here at The ACME Eagle Hand Soap Radio Hour and sit back, get comfortable and watch Planet of the Apes.

Roddy McDowall, an experienced actor, recommended to his companions in makeup that they should frequently add tics, blinks and assorted facial gestures to add a sense of realism and keep the makeup from appearing "mask-like". McDowall reportedly became a merry prankster with the makeup, driving home with his make-up on, and shocking some of the other drivers on the freeway.

Demand Euphoria!

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